THE MEMOIR WHISPERER™ BOOK OPENER MANUSCRIPT REPORT: This service gives you expert written review of and feedback on the first 15,000 words of your memoir, autobiography, or personal history project. This block of text is arguably the most crucial in your book, introducing and establishing all that comes later. Knowledgeable and objective feedback on this material can help you engage readers quickly and powerfully, set up your story properly, and ensure that key themes and elements are clearly and compellingly introduced. And many of our suggestions on the style and structure of your early-book pages will apply to the book’s later text as well.

Based on a thorough reading of your material as well as our knowledge of the life narrative marketplace generally and books comparable to yours in particular, the detailed 8-10 page report we provide addresses the manuscript’s strengths and opportunities, weaknesses and challenges. Voice, viewpoint, pace, clarity, book setup and structure, treatment of sensitive and/or technical material, and effectiveness of elements including characterization are among the issues often covered, but the focus for this fully personalized report is shaped by your own pages. Our goal is to provide clear, concrete, and actionable steps you can take to maximize the impact of your book and the ease and confidence you feel creating it.

In addition to the written report, you receive a 45-minute phone consultation, scheduled within 30 days of the delivery of your report, at which you can ask any questions that arise from our response and suggestions. Cost for THE MEMOIR WHISPERER™ Book Opener Manuscript Report is $695.00, payable 50% upon scheduling the work and 50% upon completion. 

THE MEMOIR WHISPERER™ FULL MANUSCRIPT REPORT: This Report gives you expert review of and feedback on your memoir, autobiography, or personal history draft in its entirety. In addition to the items and issues covered in the Book Opener Report, this full-manuscript review allows us to assess the structure of the middle and ending as well as the opening pages; look at pacing, clarity, consistency, chapter and other breaks, and detail level among other issues; troubleshoot any difficult or sensitive material; and ensure that the story develops and resolves in a compelling, complete and satisfying way. As always, our Report is designed to provide clear and actionable next steps.

In addition to the written report, you receive a single 90-minute phone consultation, scheduled within 30 days of the delivery of your report, at which you can ask any questions that arise from our response and suggestions.

Cost for THE MEMOIR WHISPERER™ Full Manuscript Report is $1290 for the first 30,000 words and $20 for each 1,000 additional words. 

Stories of You Books. © Stories of You Inc. 2019
stories that connect
anthologies that endure
impact that transforms
  —You may pay by using your credit card safely on PayPal or writing us a check. Please indicate your preferred payment method when you contact us to schedule the service; we'll generate the appropriate invoice for your book's length and your preferred payment method.
  —Pay safely by credit card using PayPal by clicking here:

  —Or, if you would prefer to send a check, please let us know when you contact us and we’ll generate an invoice.
Purchase a Telephone Consultation